How to Create a Working Space for the Hybrid Office

The pandemic transformed our working arrangement. We had to move from a physical office and work in our homes. Now that we have more or less attained herd immunity, many companies offer an opportunity to return to the office.

This unique working arrangement compels us to create touchdown spaces. We need intelligent commercial office furniture to make these areas.   

The typical office desktop is no longer sufficient. We need a wide-open space to spread our documents, smartphones, and laptops. Other than that, we also need a place to store our mobile devices and digital peripherals. We need furniture which provides a buffer between our work area and the rest of the office.

Working Spaces in the Hybrid Office

The hybrid office is not just a workplace. It is also a place to meet with clients, finish a call, or get work done while waiting. The accessible communication technology makes this possible. Hence, it is vital to have suitable commercial office furniture. 

The typical commercial office is a rectangular room. However, the hybrid office tends to be compact. Hence, it is important to consider space utilization when furnishing the area. The furniture must also incorporate intelligent features.

This area is typically furnished with a long rectangular table and a line of chairs. The table accommodates two to five people while sitting. The chairs face the table, creating a meeting space.

On one side of the table, there is a row of chairs. A cabinet usually accompanies the chairs. The cabinet usually has a smaller table inside, which can be used during a meeting.

Improve Efficiency

When purchasing commercial office furniture, you should remember that it should improve your team’s productivity. Since the workspace is meant to provide a space for meetings, you need to have furniture which enables more people to fit inside the area.

The table and chairs should accommodate six to ten people. The chairs should provide comfort while work is being done. The height of the table and chairs should be adjustable. Doing this will increase the space available inside the room. 

Processes and procedures are essential to any organization. The furniture should help make sure this happens. There should be storage space for documents and files. It should also accommodate the storage of other digital items.

The furniture should be easy to move around. It will give the organization more freedom in configuring the space because they can change the table and chairs depending on their needs. The furniture should be movable and should not be attached to the floor.  

This feature will allow the office to reconfigure its space. The furniture should be able to store other supplies needed for meetings. 


Since the workspace is meant to provide a space for meetings, you need to have furniture which enables more people to fit inside the area. The table and chairs should accommodate six to ten people. The chairs should provide comfort while work is being done. 

The height of the table and chairs should be adjustable. It will increase the space available inside the room. Processes and procedures are important to any organization. The furniture should help make sure this happens. 

There should be storage space for documents and files. It should also accommodate the storage of other digital items.

Now that you know what to look for in commercial office furniture, you should visit FOH Furniture LLC. We have a varied collection for your business, from traditional pieces to tailored ones. Check our website now to see what we offer!


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